Home Organisation: The Ultimate Guide

The Guide

Do you feel like you’re constantly swimming against the current in your own home? Are you struggling to find a place for everything and everyone? If so, you’re not alone! Home organisation can be a challenge for even the most experienced homemaker. In this guide, we will discuss some of the best ways to get your home in order and keep it that way!

Create Zones

Create zones in every room. One of the first things you should do when organising your home is to create “zones” for each room or area that you use regularly. For example, if you have a dedicated office space for your computer and paperwork, make sure that everything has its designated place to go when you are finished using it. You can do the same thing with your kitchen, laundry room, or garage. By taking the time to create zones for your most-used items and designated places for everything that goes with them, you will be able to keep things more organized and make it easier to find what you need when you need it.

Establish a Schedule

Establish regular times to clean and declutter your home. Another key component of home organization is the ability to maintain a clean and clutter-free space regularly. One way to do this is by scheduling regular “cleaning” days for each part of your house or apartment, such as every Saturday morning for the kitchen or every Sunday afternoon for the living room and bedrooms.

Use storage efficiently

Us storage containers to keep things in order. Having an organized home also means keeping your belongings neat with the help of storage containers like bins, boxes, and baskets. These are great for holding everything from small items like pens and paper clips to larger items like clothes, toys, and books. Not only do storage containers look nice when they’re neatly stacked on a shelf or tucked away in a closet or cupboard, but they can also help make your life easier by making everything you own more accessible!

Utilize Vertical Space

Utilise vertical space to keep things neat. A common mistake that many people make when organizing their homes is failing to utilise vertical space. For example, if you have a lot of clutter on your desk, why not store items like files, folders, pens, and pencils in overhead storage or even the backs of your doors? Making use of the space that’s above you can be a great way to stay organized while still keeping everything within easy reach.

Contact us today

By following these simple tips, you can create a home where everything has its place and your family can live more efficiently. And the best part is that once things are organised and kept neat, it will be easier for everyone in your household to stay on top of the day-to-day tasks that help keep your home running smoothly!​ If you’d like to learn more about organising your home, then call Julie today on 07710328781 for FREE 1 hour consultation.